Dailygreatness Original

Law of Attraction - Why Fear is the One Secret Holding You Back by sas_hinds71

If I told you that I were about to give to you the greatest secret to conquering everything you could ever imagine would you believe me? If I told you that you can manifest one million dollars within thirty days would you think it was a pipe dream or another faulty law of attraction ploy?
The fun thing about this secret is that although you know what it is, its still quite hard to conquer it if you don't have the correct tools.
The core of to successfully applying the law of attraction is to become aware of your fears associated with what you wish to attract.
Its take money for example, have you ever noticed that many advanced spiritual teachers who have the ability to manifest things can still be poor?
It would seem odd that someone who knows the secrets to law of attraction and the ways to manifest could still struggle with some sort of poverty.
The reason why you don't have what you truly desire is because of your fears that 1)You are not worthy of what it is you really want. 2)You fear that you do not have what it takes. 3)You fear that there is a limited supply in the world and you can't have it. 4)You fear the responsibility that comes with having it. 5)You fear that it will be taken away from you once you have it
Sadly you may have struggled to manifest what you want without success not realizing that your fears become your beliefs and your beliefs become your reality.
The difference between the man who goes out and makes a small amount of money by selling a thing and another man who makes millions of dollars by selling that same item is that one has discovered the secret to shrinking his fears by allowing his vision to supersede his fears.
Those lower emotions such as fear and doubt can be altered by raising your energy to such intense levels that it works as a vortex to suck in the things which you desire to manifest.
The knowledge of law of attraction by itself is not sufficient in the manifesting process. To manifest you must learn to alter your own state of being at a much finger level.
Abundance is your if you can elevate your fears to higher more intense states. You can attract a life of abundance more easily, you can manifest change with easy.

http://www.subliminalmp3s.com?alid=884729About the Author

Do you know that there are ancient techniques that can increase your manifesting intentions and attract what you want even faster than ever? Visit http://www.cosmic-wealth.com to learn more about these secrets teachings. Daniel Hinds is the author of the powerful ebook Magic Money.

Submitted by: Super Article Submitter

How to Manifest a Financial Breakthrough by sas_hinds71

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So you are tired of your financial circumstances and you now have the desire to manifest more money and greater wealth. Well I am about to tell you something that you may not know. Manifesting more money is easy once you know a few secrets and get started on them immediately.
The first step to a financial breakthrough is to get out of your own way and your own thoughts. Miracles can only happen the moment you step aside. Just for a few days I beg you to just simple not care. Sure you care but really what I am asking you to do is to let go of the worry. Have you heard the saying "let go and let god?" Most likely you have, as most of us have heard that statement but there is no other time to practice it as when you desire to manifest more money.
The second step is to realize that you have placed money above you. Yes you have. You have titled money master of your domain and ruler of all. You do lots of things you hate to do all for the sake of worthless paper. Even worst you believe that money is needed in order for you to manifest what you want. I hate to disappoint you but you don't need money to get a darn thing. Let me repeat that you don't need money to get what you want from life.
The third step requires that you close your eyes and begin to feel and experience what it is that you want to do with the money. Lock yourself away inside of yourself while experiencing that thing you desire in your mind. Be creative about this step and ask that thing, "what does it take to have you?" It does not matter if that thing is an object or a bill, talk to it all the same bring life to it. Then for a moment listen. Simply listen as you are told exactly what is needed in order to get it. Listen as you are told where to go, what to do, how to do it but above all listen, then write it down.
The forth step requires that you trust what you are told to do and do nothing else but that thing. Do not hesitate, do not pass go, do not collect your two hundred dollars just take only the action that you were advised to do. If only life were like a game of Monopoly!! Actually it is and if you notice the best players are the most trusting players. They take changes they are not afraid to loss yet they always win. You can apply all these steps to any manifesting program to achieve whatever you want if only you trust.

About the Author

Do you know that there are ancient techniques that can increase your manifesting intentions and attract what you want even faster than ever? Visit http://www.cosmic-wealth.com to learn more about these secrets teachings. Daniel Hinds is the author of the powerful ebook Magic Money.
Submitted by: Super Article Submitter 

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