The internet is full of marketing systems claiming to put your business building on autopilot. Sadly, most of them don't offer the high level of functionality you will need to build a substantial and informed organization. Sign up for a few free trials and you will often be backended with pitches to join affiliate programs, buy leads, invest in additional autoresponder setups, or purchase traffic. Here's the rub. All these automated marketing systems with slick flash presentations, attractive compensation plans, and so forth generally lack a solid set of tools to drive high-quality, targeted traffic to your site. The site may do the "selling" for you, it may be the hottest thing around. When you find yourself going up against other marketers promoting the same thing with Pay-Per-Click campaigns, your rate of return on your marketing dollar will plummet as the market for the product gets saturated and more people promote it with paid advertising.

A recent case in point is a costly automated marketing system which has a call team to follow up and close sales. I spoke with a few people who were selling this automated system and making money with it. One woman told me that she had to get about 700 hits to make a sale. Its important to know that this lady is an extremely savvy and experienced marketer with a lot of blogs and credibility. Many of the hits to her automated marketing system were driven through friendly informational sites, not paid advertising. This marketer was no doubt making money promoting this marketing system primarily because she already knew how to market it when she signed up.


Do I hear the sound of a catch?

In fact I do. I researched the automated system being promoted and found that 73% of the people who had purchased it were not yet qualified to even make money. I observed that many marketers are brazenly promoting it with PPC, with more jumping in all the time. More people promoting makes for higher marketing cost and a lower rate-of-return on your advertising dollar. I concluded that at present, this particular system is one where only sophisticated, experienced marketers will succeed. The promises of easy wealth without work or skill seem unfounded.
On the net today many people are looking for that magic product that will make them money without skill development, talking to people, spending on advertising, etc. Is it any wonder that scams abound? Are there systems that can drive targeted traffic to a flash presentation and make passive sales? Yes, but building that kind of traffic base takes a commitment to learning and practicing marketing skills.
A few people will always succeed by jumping into the newest programs, but many more will be victims. These victims are created because many of these automated marketing systems prey on human weakness.
The solution: education. Successful Internet marketers are not born that way. Marketing like any other skill is learned through experience and diligence. Seek out a marketing system which provides ongoing support and training workshops. Because the Internet is constantly in flux, ongoing training is the only realistic way to keep up with the latest marketing trends.
About the Author
Loren Worthy runs an informational Webster dedicated to assisting networkers in developing long-term, low-cost automated marketing strategies which educate and upgrade potential business associates.

Automated Marketing System - 3 Simple Steps
Vern How Chan


"Your automated marketing system determines your sales funnel"


This statement would be your goal today. Whether you are running an online business or a simple affiliate marketing business, your automated marketing system is the foundation to your success. I'm sure you start out wanting to run a business online with the desire to have it 'run without you' one day.

Instead of hoping that this will happen someday, why not make this a reality starting today. We have only one life to live and life is for living not for working. Your family time is more important than your business in all perspectives. Here's how you can setup a super effective automated marketing system in 5 simple steps:

Step #1: Anatomy Of Your Automated Marketing System

Can I go faster? Since we're talking about having an effective automated marketing system online this would be easier for the both of us. Firstly, there is no doubt that you need the basic technical foundations. Your automated marketing system must have a simple landing page, autoresponder and a great offer.

Your landing page is easy to create because you only need to write out a sale page. In your sales copy you tell them (your visitors) what benefit will your product or service have to offer. The most crucial part in your automated marketing system is the autoresponder. This allows you a good follow up to familiarize your prospects with your 'great offer'.

We'll touch into the 'great offer' part a little later.

Step #2: You Got To Face "In" And "Out"

Actually, your automated marketing system will not be complete without knowing the difference between the "In" and "Out" criteria. "In" means your follow up system. Everything which is more connected to your sales funnel than your dynamic prospecting system.

"Out" means your marketing. Marketing is the act of generating prospects to your automated marketing system. Combining both into your ultimate marketing plan will be very beneficial. Although we're focused on your "In" criteria at this moment you can start to learn how to market online just by investing in a package that teaches you how to market.

Step #3: Putting Your Automated Marketing System Together

This is where we will "flick" the switch to turn your automated marketing system "ON". Your landing page and autoresponder should be ready for the flow now. Next is just your 'great offer'. You guessed it. Your great offer is the golden key in your entire automated marketing system.

It will provide you with bottom line results which is income. No matter how you see it, the way you must integrate your great offer into your automated marketing system is by repeated reminders. Yes, always remember most prospects don't turn into buyers the first time.

Profiting Like A Lazy Bum

Earlier I mentioned that your automated marketing system won't be complete without the "out" portion in your marketing plan. The real secret to profiting like a lazy marketer is to make your prospecting system 'targeted' all the time. You can increase your profits by investing in a course that reveals how to do targeted online marketing.

About The Author:

This article can be freely published on a website as long as it is not modified in any way including the author bylines, plus the hyperlink must be made active just like below.

Vern How has been earning online back in June 2006. He is a professional affiliate marketer who believes in giving back by helping others. To find out how Vern can help you work from home go to... Simple Riches

For more information on a perfect wealth formula to profiting massively on the Internet, just check out how to Claim Your Online Automated Marketing System Instantly!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Vern_How_Chan

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